With more than 1500 channels, AccuRadio proudly presents our newest channels!

Artist: Five for Fighting

The following channels include songs by Five for Fighting

1990s & '00s Lite Hits

Adult contemporary pop 1990-2009

Lite Hits Classics

Adult pop hits from the '80s through the '00s

Adult Rock

More eclectic than Classic Rock, more chill than Alternative

Holiday Pop/Rock

Holiday classics from artists like Coldplay, Bon Jovi, Faith Evans, Sarah McLachlan, and more!

Non-Standard Christmas

Holiday music beyond the tried-and-true dozen songs everyone knows

Wait, THEY Made a Christmas Record?!?

Holiday music from unexpected sources

One Song Radio: "Silent Night"

Dozens of versions of one of the world's best-loved Christmas carols.

Holiday Music: Wide Playlist

The widest playlist of holiday songs you'll find anywhere -- over 17,000 songs!

Top '00s Hits

Just the biggest hits of 2000-2009

Number, Please!

Songs that are much more than 1s & 0s. Nothing but numerical tracks of all kinds.

Fifty/Fifty HitKast Holiday Blend

A 50/50 mix of today's hottest hits and music for the holidays


Modern singer-songwriters crafting adult rock and pop songs

Curator's Choice: Deck the Halls with Denise

Relax with a holiday channel featuring Stevie Nicks, Clint Black, and Aretha Franklin, from Denis...

Rock Alphabet: "F" is Flippin' Fantastic!

A full ride through Fleetwood Mac, Foo Fighters, Free, Flaming Lips, Florence + The Machine, and ...

This Is Music: 2001

2001 was ruled by Destiny's Child, Linkin Park, Alicia Keys, the Strokes, and Lifehouse

Top 40: October 15, 2001

As NASA's Galileo spacecraft passed within 112 miles of Jupiter's moon "Io" -- Sugar Ray, J-Lo, a...

Denise Oliver's Five-Star Radio

Denise lives in NJ and curates Classic Rock channels, but her personal tastes range far wider

Lisa Hertay's Five-Star Radio

Lisa is a country music fan who loves a dash of lite hits. She listens to AccuRadio in British Co...

This Is Music: 2004

It was all about Maroon 5, Usher, Outkast, Hoobastank, and Juvenile

Say My Name

Songs titles that are real names -- no more, no less ("Buddy Holly," yes! "Moves Like Jagger," no...

Tough Stuff

Songs about being strong & pushing through


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